WeBuildTeams optimizes talent with science-based solutions + intuition + empathy.


Founder Roy Peter has built a career transforming teams and organizations.


Not long after he began his career in the home automation and commercial integrations industry, Roy recognized that his singular talent was optimizing the performance of humans rather than systems.

Roy was a highly skilled technician, but it was obvious his true gift is recognizing talent and building successful teams.

At his technology company, Roy created a high-performing culture of inclusivity and sustainability. Roy’s ability to recruit, train, and retain employees increased the company’s profitability and made it a market leader.

He proved that building a sustainable company with talented people, attractive benefits and minimal turnover can be the best thing for the bottom line. Here’s how:

  • Under Roy’s direction, a corporate restructuring led to a one-year revenue growth of 20%;

  • By bringing recruiting in-house, Roy reduced annual expenses by $260k; and

  • Roy’s methods have been proven to reduce turnover by up to 50%.

His work with companies has been proven to elevate their financial health as well as their employee performance and morale.

Roy’s ability to read people, his flair for envisioning innovative solutions, and knack for finding new ways to approach old challenges makes him invaluable as a consultant, coach, and fractional COO.

WBT was the natural next step for Roy. Running his own company gives Roy a larger platform through which he can guide leaders and teams to exceed their personal and professional goals and thrive.

Start with extraordinary people.
Deliver exceptional solutions.